Friday, 24 April 2015

API Marketplace Team's Twitter Monitor

A little something to remind everyone there is a world out there:

There are 5 teams in this MBIE R9 Accelerator ... 

People, It's All About The People

(I'll get to the what very soon)

In Team PUP we have the following fine fellows (yes, unfortunately we are a team made up of males, paleskin males - this isn't something that has gone unnoticed and we're working hard on what all that means ... please help)

+Mike Riversdale, aka MiramarMike - / LinkedIn / @MiramarMike
Ash Cheyne - LinkedIn

We are all wanting to discuss what we're up to and how you can be a part of of the next 10 weeks.

Marketplace - It's The Word Of The Moment

A market, or marketplace, is regular gathering of people for the purchase and sale of provisions, livestock, and other goods. A place where buying and selling occurs.[1] In different parts of the world they may be referred to as a souk (from the Arabic), bazaar (from the Persian), a fixed mercado (Spanish) or itinerant tianguis (Mexico), or palengke (Philippines).

source: Wikipedia, "Market (place)"